Our Team- Ketamine Experts
Meet Our Founder

Dr. Jacob Silverstone
Our Team
A Message from Our Medical Director:
Ketamine represents one of the most important breakthroughs in the treatment of depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD in 50 years.
Ketamine infusions can provide analgesia, altered consciousness, and dissociative anesthesia. Studies dating back as early as 1973 showed its rapid onset and efficacy in treating a number of conditions including anxiety, depression, and OCD. A landmark randomized controlled trial study in 2000 further demonstrated the powerful effects of ketamine, with some patients reporting relief as quickly as 40 minutes after infusion. The benefits lasted for up to three days in up to 70% of patients. Additionally, ketamine creates the requisite malleability in information processing to allow for positive changes in thought patterns.
Neuroimaging implicates rapid shifts in the prefrontal and striatal network activity and connectivity, which are widely implicated as substrates of appetitive conditioning in humans, indicating that ketamine can indeed rewire the brain.
IV administration is the most reliable method for ketamine delivery, with 100% bioavailability compared to 45% for intranasal and 20% for oral administration.
At Rewired Ketamine, we offer an experience like no other with our proprietary Automated Self-Association Training modalities incorporated into your infusion to generate positive and long-lasting effects. We are committed to helping you achieve optimal mental health and well-being.
FREE Consultation
Guided & Self-Guided Ketamine Treatment Journeys
A personalized experience designed to meet your goals.